Stop Chasing the Pain! Relieve Pain by Restoring Movement… Functionally!
Teaching and Training You to…
Move Smarter… Move Better… So You Can Move On!

Chiropractic Care in Buffalo, NY

Buffalo Spine and Sports Medicine has contracted with chiropractors at the Williamsville and Buffalo locations. Patients who receive chiropractic care at these locations can be assured that the Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) is addressing joint and muscle dysfunction and imbalances, as well as nerve and disc involvement. This is all accomplished with a thorough assessment of the quality of movement with the ultimate goal being to restore function while reducing pain and increasing tolerance for activity. If you are dealing with ongoing pain following a sports injury or you've gotten hurt at work, our team has the experience and state-of-the-art equipment to handle your needs. From lower back pain therapy and sciatica treatments to administering modern regenerative medicine injections and Botox treatments, our chiropractors are here to help resolve your pain and improve your quality of life.

Contact us today to learn more about our chiropractic services or to schedule a consultation! We take pride in providing various minimally invasive procedures to patients throughout WNY, including the communities of Buffalo, Orchard Park, Williamsville, Amherst, Clarence, and Amherst, NY.

“Dysfunction hurts. We know. Once we start to restore your function, the pain starts to go away.

We believe in a patient-centered “team” approach which empowers you, the patient; it is essential for successful outcomes.

We are committed to improving your quality of life by restoring function, which enables you to resume your daily activities and lifestyle.

We will encourage, assist, support, and guide you throughout your active individualized treatment program.

We will provide you with the “tools” to regain and maintain your health.

And ask you for your commitment to active participation and implementation of self-care to help achieve your goals.

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Conservative Treatment of Spinal and Musculoskeletal Related Conditions:

• Acute and Chronic Neck, Mid Back, Low Back, and Pelvic Pain
• Musculoskeletal Sprain/Strains
• Joint Dysfunctions, Faulty Movement Patterns and Muscle Imbalances
• Disc Herniations
• Sciatica/Leg Pain
• Stenosis
• Myofascial Pain Syndromes/Adhesions
• Headache and Facial Pain
• Temporal Mandibular Disorders (TMD/TMJ)
• Gait and Balance Disturbance
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Upper and Lower Extremity Dysfunction and Pain
• Impingement Syndromes
• Tendonitis/Tendonosis
• Scar/Fibrotic Tissue
• Improvement of Breathing Patterns
• Nerve Related Numbness/Tingling
• Plantar Fasciitis

Chiropractic Services Include:

• Manual Manipulation (aka Chiropractic Adjustment), Mobilization and Muscle Energy Techniques
• Cox’s Distraction® and Traction
• Soft Tissue Techniques:
    - Active Release Treatment® (A.R.T.), Graston Technique®, various stretching techniques (PIR/PFS)
    - Rehabilitative Exercise PrescriptionNeuromobilization Techniques
• Home Exercise Prescription
• Early Reactivation with a focus on the following:
    - Pain reduction and increased activity tolerance
    - Correct Muscle imbalances
    - Improve Endurance, Coordination, Flexibility and Strength
    - Ergonomic, Postural, Activities of Daily Living (ADL) and “Spine Sparing” advice
• Healthy Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice
• Establishment of patient and treatment goals so as to guide and support the patient with achieving their goals
• Athletic Performance Enhancement

For more information regarding the Graston Technique, click here.

What is ART and Graston?

Our Chiropractic Care Provider:

John Meechan, D.C.